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Home > Restaurants > Recipes > Semi-cured Lamb Chops

Semi-cured Lamb Chops

Provided by: Chef Harry Hawk
Served at: Burger Shack & Bar

  • Type of Dish: Main Courses
  • Servings: 2
  • Cuisine: American, BBQ/ Grilling
  • Special Requests: Budget-Friendly, Quick and Easy
  • Reader Rating: Write a Review

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2 large lamb chops (preferably shoulder chop)
Generous amount salt
Generous amount light or dark brown sugar
Generous amount coriander seeds
Generous amount ground cumin
Generous amount dried cilantro


Place lamb chops in glass baking dish and generously coat one side with salt. Flip chops and coat other side generously with salt, brown sugar, coriander seeds, ground coriander, ground cumin, and dried cilantro. Cover and refrigerate for 2�3 hours. Note: Liquid will seep from chops during this time and salt, sugar, and spices will be drawn into the meat to flavor it.
Take dish out of refrigerator and scrape salt, sugar, and seasonings from the chop. Place on hot grill for 4�5 minutes per side or until desired temperature.

Medium Rare

(Published 2008)